Online Strength and Conditioning Classes
Bums, Tums & Wobbly Bits and low impact HIIT classes to strengthen, tone and improve your fitness.
Now that you can’t attend classes are you missing your exercise?
You want to maintain your fitness but you’re not sure what exercises to do. You’re not as motivated to workout on your own.
Maybe you’re sitting for longer and are starting to get back ache and feeling less mobile.
You’re feeling stressed and not sleeping as well as you used to.
What if you could attend a virtual class with other participants so you don’t feel so isolated
Plus have access to not only these classes in your own time, but also a library of other workouts that fit the time you have and how you are feeling.
Classes that will improve your stamina, make you stronger and tone you up without putting pressure on your pelvic floor - perfect for pregnancy, postnatal, those with a pelvic floor dysfunction and those who want to feel good without feeling wiped!
And a perfect way to ease stress, raise your mood and feel better!
What you get
- Four live sessions a week via Zoom - two Bums, Tums & Wobbly Bits classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30pm and two Fitness Circuits every Monday and Friday at 10:30am
- membership of my online library of workouts and exercises - from full length classes to 10 minute speedy sessions. Plus dedicated relaxation and stretch sequences
- all live-streams will be added to the library and you can access it in your own time. So the library will be growing all the time you are a member
- Access to a closed Facebook group for class updates, check-ins and to answer any questions