10 years!!

Just over 10 years ago I took my one year old daughter to a family event at Reddish Vale Technology College (RVTC).  I hadn't really gone back to work at the gym since I'd had her - I'd covered one class and did too much too soon. From then on I didn't really feel like I belonged any more. Plus I wanted to carry on spending time with my girl.

I got chatting to people who worked for the extended schools programme at RVTC. They wanted to offer fitness classes at the school in the evenings.  It was something I had considered doing for years but I'm a terrible procrastinator!! Anyway, they persuaded me and on Thursday 17th November 2005 I began teaching Bums, Tums and Wobbly Bits and Pilates in their performing arts centre.

Now here I am 10 years later, based in Christ Church, Reddish with 15 classes on the timetable and a great community of women that I have the pleasure to serve.  It has always been their desire for more that has allowed me to teach additional classes and develop my specialities.

Massive thanks to you for your loyalty to me through the years, enabling me to keep doing a job I love whilst still getting to spend time with my family.  And thanks too to Reddish Vale for getting me started on this journey!



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