Celebrating National Pilates Day

The first Saturday in May is National Pilates Day, so to celebrate I thought I'd share one of my classes with you!

It uses a towel to help you get some strength and stretch to your upper body with some back mobility work too - I hope you enjoy it!

Pilates - 2_5_24 with a towel

It's a good example of the way I teach Pilates and the benefits you can get from it:

  • improving posture
  • easing aches and pains
  • core and pelvic floor strength without the strain
  • back care
  • whole body strengthening
  • mobility
  • balance work
  • breath work

Plus you will see that I give options throughout the class - this means you can always go at a level that suits you.

All this combined also gives you time to relax

"I started Pilates with Sarah after having two children which wrecked my back.  That was over 10 years ago and I still attend not only to keep my core strong but also for my bit of peace! It is super convenient and relaxing whilst at the same time knowing you are doing some good for your body too.  It's a win win!"  Mandy

If you enjoy this and would like to do more, there is still time to join in with my free membership for May!  You will be able to attend any of the live Zoom Pilates classes and access the recordings on my membership site.  It also includes Trigger Point Pilates - which is like a self massage and relaxation class!

Click the link below and select free trial - no payment details will be taken

Sarah Parker Fitness membership

Sarah x

PS here's some other options for Pilates:

Pilates Essentials for Beginners - A four week course covering the fundamentals of Pilates with classes that will help you practice.  Lifetime access means you can keep practicing until you feel confident to attend any Pilates session and know what you're doing!

Fit in Fifteen - 15 minute classes sent every day for four weeks.  It includes two Pilates strength classes a week, plus Pilates based releases each Sunday.  An easy way to fit in and start getting stronger 

The Pilates Bundle - 14 full Pilates classes that you can keep coming back to again and again




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