pelvic organ prolapse

Twenty years on and I find myself grateful

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Core strength without the strain

Did you know your core should switch on JUST BEFORE it's needed?

And that there should be no feeling of strain or bearing down?

Or that you can use other parts of your body to initiate a core connection - instead of sucking in, zipping up or lifting up on pelvic floor

Find out more about your core in the videos below!

If you would like to learn more about switching on your pelvic floor and core without straining and helping it to become more of an automatic switch on - I have a masterc…

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Upper body mobility sequence

A few upper body moves you can easily fit into your day - even while sat at your desk!

Tightness in the upper body can affect your posture, ability to reach, create pain in the jaw, neck, shoulders and low back, contribute to pelvic floor dysfunction and can even affect your heart!

So getting more movement in is key - how many ways can you move your ribs?

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse Solutions

POP solutions

It's been a while since my first blog about prolapse and a few things have changed since then.  So I thought I'd do a couple of updates

There are two ways you can look at helping with POP symptoms - what can you do to prevent things getting worse and what can you do to make things better.

So first we'll look at preventing things getting worse

One of the key things with this is looking at intra abdominal pressure (IAP)

IAP is the pressure within the abdominal cavity and is reliant on the flui…

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What is the best exercise for a prolapse?

best exercise for prolapse blog

I was asked a few weeks ago for the top exercises someone could do to help a prolapse. 

My answers were:

  1. It depends
  2. Hypopressives

The thing with prolapse is that it can happen because of so many factors and it's not just about strengthening the pelvic floor. 

And even just pelvic floor strength isn't that simple.

The pelvic floor is made up of layers of muscle, going in a variety of directions.

It has links with muscles inside the pelvis and outside the pelvis.

It has connections all…

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Pelvic Floor Exercises Mistakes - and how to do it right

pelvic floor myths blog

Myth #1 - Leaking is inevitable after childbirth, menopause and as you age

Little oops moments…
Triple crossing your legs when you sneeze…
Laughing until the tears run down your legs…

It’s funny, until it isn’t.

Incontinence IS more common after childbirth, menopause and with age

But just because it’s common, that doesn’t mean you have to put up with it!

Pelvic floor muscle training and hypopressives both show great results in preventing leaks, no…

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How you can help your pelvic floor

I was asked by someone this week about rehabbing the pelvic floor post birth, in preparation for getting back to running.  I was so pleased that she was aware of the importance of taking her time - things keep popping up in my timeline about postnatal classes where people are running with buggies, skipping and even doing jumping jacks! All of this can have a deleterious effect on the pelvic floor and continuing to overstress a weakened pelvic floor can lead to prolapse.

However taking your time, …

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) is a secretive, not often talked about thing.  And yet last week every single day I ended up speaking with people about their prolapse so it just seemed destined that that is what I would write about today!

Prolapse is the descent of one or more internal organs that then push into the vaginal wall.  There are different stages – mild, moderate to extending outside the body.  There are many symptoms, many of which could be attributed to other ailments.
  • Urinary incontin…

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